Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Backyard medicine

I can remember as a little girl going on a field trip to a nature center and ate dandelion salad.  I remember thinking yuck it's a weed that my dad puts chemicals on to kill it.  But it sparked a curiosity in me.  I didn't realize the medicinal properties of the dandelion until I started on my journey.  Dandelion is a wonderful food as well as a beneficial medicine.  It supports overall health by gently working to improve the functioning of the liver, gallbladder, and urinary and digestive systems.  It is excellent for cleansing the skin.  Next time you remove dandelions from your garden or lawn, turn them into medicine instead of throwing them away.  Please make sure the dandelions you are using have not been treated with any chemicals or come from a place where chemical fertilizers are used.  Dandelion is high in minerals, especially potassium, and vitamins A, B, C and D.  The young leaves boiled up into a tea or eaten fresh in salads are detoxifiers, clearing blood and lymph by increasing elimination through the kidneys and bowels.  This in turn benefits overall health.  You can make a simple tincture for home use with vodka or you can make an infused oil. So this spring you may want to try a dandelion tea or make a tincture/infused oil to help with overall health.  As always if you have any further thoughts or questions don't hesitate to contact me!  Becky

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Why I turned to Alternative Medicine

I am excited to share health and wellness with those who are interested.  I began my journey in 2000 when I was suffering from chronic sinusitis and IBS(Irritable Bowel Syndrome) issues.  I consulted with my chiropractor who had an EDS system and my life was changed!  I am proud to say I have had 1 sinus infection since then and I no longer suffer from IBS issues.  My problem was not only my diet but I had a systemic candida issue in my body.  We all have candida that lives naturally in our body but, diet(sugars) and antibiotics created the perfect storm in my body.  I didn't realize every time I took an antibiotic for my sinus issues it was making things worse and not to mention my diet....high in sugars and processed foods.....which your body craves to feed the candida. I finally decided there had to be something else.  I found that something else.....Eastern Medicine!  I look forward to using this blog as a way for me to spread the word on Alternative Medicine and what I have learned over the years.