Monday, June 16, 2014

probiotics and prebiotics


I am a true believer in the use of probiotics.  When you become educated about the benefits of probiotics one could be considered a fool for not doing some sort of supplementation.  I also am a believer that we should try to get all our nutrients from foods and not to do a ton of supplementation.  Unfortunately, we don't live in a world that is conducive to that type of thinking.....some things need to be supplemented for the pure fact that without it our health can be effected.
Probiotic and prebiotic foods and supplements enhance the growth of healthy microorganisms in your body. The idea of using bacteria to improve human health has been around since the early 1900s, but the general public did not fully embrace the concept until recently. Today, probiotic and prebiotic products are used widely, most often in the treatment and prevention of gastrointestinal conditions.

Good Bacteria

Your body contains billions of bacteria that help you stay healthy. The largest population of bacteria can be found in your intestines. These beneficial bacteria help you digest food, and without them you could not obtain vitamin K from your food. If the community of bacteria in your intestines is disrupted you may experience digestive difficulties and gastrointestinal symptoms. In order to re-establish healthy intestinal bacteria you can take probiotic or prebiotic supplements.


Probiotics are live microorganisms that can positively impact your health, according to the World Health Organization. Microorganisms are tiny animals made of a single cell. While most probiotics are bacteria, there are also strains of yeast that benefit your body. You can find probiotics in many food products, including fermented dairy and soy products. Probiotics can also be purchased in supplement form. The bacteria and yeast in probiotic products are well-studied strains that have been specially prepared to survive the journey through the stomach into the intestines where they can grow.


Prebiotics are substances that encourage the growth of beneficial bacteria—you can think of prebiotics as food for probiotics and the healthy bacteria in your system. Whereas probiotics are living microorganisms, prebiotics are non-living. Most prebiotics are carbohydrates that the human body cannot digest but which make excellent food sources for beneficial bacteria. Prebiotics can encourage the growth of beneficial bacteria already living in the body and also aid in the growth and maintenance of probiotics.


The combination of probiotic and prebiotic therapies is referred to as synbiotics. The strategy of combining a probiotic with its preferred nutrient may allow for probiotics to stay present in your body for longer, according to a May 1999 article in the "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition." Synbiotic therapies are relatively new and are the focus of many studies to determine their efficacy.


Probiotics and prebiotics have similar health benefits because they both accomplish the goal of increasing the population of healthy bacteria and yeast in your body. Healthy bacteria can form a protective shield in your digestive tract that prevents harmful bacteria and viruses from infecting your body.   The presence of healthy bacteria can also keep your immune system "primed" and ready to respond to a threat. Probiotics and prebiotics are particularly useful in replenishing healthy bacteria communities after a disruption such as an infection or antibiotic use.  Everyone can benefit from probiotics.  It is a supplement that i take regularly and recommend people to take also.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Natural Summer Survival Kit

It's finally here!  Summer has arrived and it's time to get the most from the 3-4 months of outdoor living.  People always ask me for natural alternatives to substitute for more toxic products. There are certain things I personally can't live without and know first hand help lessen the discomfort from typical ailments one may run across during this season.  As always if you have any further questions don't hesitate to contact me.

  1. Burn Aide Spray.  This product is a MUST HAVE in everybody's natural medicine cabinet.  Lavender Essential Oil works well on burns also but, this product provides rapid relief of burn symptoms, without the toxic effects of local anesthetics, using the ancient knowledge of several cultures.  This formula heals the nerve endings and gives relief from inflammatory pain.  It is effective on burns, scalds, sunburns and burn pain.  
  2. Cortsym Gel.  If more people understood the science behind your typical cortisone cream you may think twice about using it.  Sure it provides "relief" from itching but at what cost?  Cortsym Gel has a similar if not superior anti-inflammatory effect to cortisone.  It is a greaseless and odorless homeopathic gel that will not stain clothing nor produce stinging or pain on application.  It relieves itchy skin irritations; inflammation and rashes due to eczema, dermatitis, insect bites, poison ivy,oak and sumac, soaps, detergents, cosmetics and jewelry.
  3. Trauma Gel.  If your active and/or have kids Trauma Gel is a no brainer.  It is a homeopathic topical gel that stimulates your body's own healing mechanisms when bruised.  It is greaseless and odorless product that won't sting or stain.  It aids in the quick relief of bumps, bruises, abrasions,strains, sprains and fractures(the bruising and swelling one incurs from having a doesn't heal the fracture itself).  Amplify your body's own healing abilities.
  4. Sovereign Silver First aid gel.  This product has replaced antibiotic ointment (bacetracin,mycetracin) in my medicine cabinet.  It's awesome for any bacterial skin issue.....cut's scrapes and the like.  When my daughter fell rollerblading and tore up her knees we used the first aid gel and trauma gel....Healed up with no scars and instantly felt better.
  5. Allertone.  This is a homeopathic and is taken sub-ligual (under the tongue).  First off, if you are a person who has Allergies and can't go a day without your allergy meds/inhalers you need to call me and discuss the options for allergy desensitization.  I use Allertone when I am outside for a while and am affected by the pollens in the air or when I go to that one friends house who thinks dusting is a punishment.  I have many patients who have major allergies who have opted to use Allertone instead of there regular allergy meds because of the side effects they suffer from them. 
  6. Buzz Off!.  This product works well to keep bugs at bay at sporting events, sitting on my patio etc....Do I recommend this for camping in the deep woods? No but for general daily use it's a great product to have.  It's ingredients are minimal but effective: West Indian Lemongrass and Citronella Essential Oil.
This is what I consider the top 6 things to survive summer naturally!  You can purchase any of these product at our Lakeville office.  If you have further questions about natural health care please don't hesitate to contact me.
Here's to a safe, happy and enjoyable summer!